

- Sets are the data types.

- Sets are used to store multiple data in a single variable.

- Sets are created using curly brackets {}.

- Sets are unchangeable, but we can remove and add new items.

- Sets are NOT allowed duplicate values.

- Sets are unindexed (which means we cannot access the elements of a set by using the index).

- Sets are unordered (which means when we display the elements of a set, it will return in random order).

- Sets are not supported the first value has [0] index, and the second value has [1] index.

Sets with different Data Types Values:

Set with String, Integer, Boolean Values:

Sets are Not Allow Duplicates Values:

Set type():

- The type() method Returns the datatype of cheems_set. (In the below code)

Syntax: type(variable_name)

Set len():

len() stands for length.

- The len() method Returns the length of 
cheems_set. (In the below code)

Syntax: len(variable_name)

Change string in Set:

Syntax: set(a)

a should be another datatype variable to change into a set.

a is the string to change into a set. (In the below code)

- We can take any datatype to change into a set. Like- list[], tuple(), dict{} etc.

Set add():

- The add() method is used to add one new value in a set.

Syntax: variable_name.add(New Value)

Set update():

- The update() method is used to add data from another set into the current set.

Update set to set:

Syntax: variable_name1.update(variable_name2)

cheems_set and cheems_set2 are sets. (In the below code)

Update list to set:

Syntax: variable_name1.update(variable_name2)

cheems_set is a set and cheems_set2 is a list. (In the below code)

Set remove():

- The remove() method is used to remove the specific value in Set.

- If that specific value does not exist then remove() will raise an error.

Syntax: variable_name.remove(Value in set)

Set discard():

- The discard() method is used to remove the specific value in Set.

- If that specific value does not exist then discard() will NOT raise any error.

Syntax: variable_name.discard(Value in Set)

Set pop():

- The pop() method is used to remove the ending value in a set.

Syntax: variable_name.pop()

Set clear():

- The clear() method is used to clear the all values in a set.

- Output: set().

Syntax: variable_name.clear()

Set del:

del stands for delete.

del used to delete a set and return nothing.

del NOT support the delete specific value in a set by their position.

Delete a Set:

Syntax: del variable_name
